Saturday 10 January 2015

Day 2

I arrived to our beautiful rainforest camp one day later than the rest of the group, so this day 10 was my first day. 
It started out with a beautiful walk in the rainforest and meetings with big spiders.

The first music in-put this day was small presentations from Ghana and Mali where they played, danced and made a little performance from their folk cultures.

After that we went to some small groups where I joined the group with the finish woman Kristina. We started out with a small finish folk song, which developed into some vocal improvisation with a Chinese singer, a Ghanaian singer and me. It was beautiful to hear our different musical references and our different approaches to the harmonic and rhythmical layers in the improvisation. A good way to get to know each other. After that we played a small tune that some of the other participants brought to the class: A Chinese song and a Malaysian song.

Later that day I went to sing some choir with Kristian Skårhøj. We worked with grooving in different levels and sang a Brazilian, Japanese song.

The day ended up with dinner and a Gendang performance.

An inspiring and beautiful day :-)


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