Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Some thoughts before the camp by Anna Stina

I'm packing my suitcase and thinking what on earth I should take with me. My flight leaves in less than eight hours and I have packed most of my things, but having -15 degrees in Helsinki, Finland today it's not exactly easy to figure out what is needed in the +30 degrees humid climate of Malaysia. I was thinking of writing couple of lines about my current feelings towards the GLOMUS camp here.

After 2 587 emails in my email folder named “GLOMUS camp” and without a doubt a double of that in the “sent”-folder only about the camp, after 82 budget drafts, around 20 skype meetings and approximately 40 flight reservations later, finally, the camp is about to start. I feel that I have gone through the list of participants so many times that I almost feel like I know all the participants already. Yet the part which I’m most excited about is that I get to meet in person many people that have become familiar to me through emails and skype meetings. 

I have been lucky to visit the venue of the camp already one year before and I can’t wait to get back there! I’m hoping everyone will enjoy the beautiful Sarawak Cultural Village as much as I do. I can imagine that the atmosphere there is going to be something very special once the camp starts.
I’m also looking forward to meeting the local team that has been making practical arrangements in Malaysia – they have done an unbelievable job to get everything ready for the camp! There has been so many little things and so many huge things to think of and to do that I cannot even start to explain the task they have done to enable this camp!

I will admit it here that I’m not musically talented at all and I don’t have a musical background – I can sort of play “La Bamba” on guitar and that’s it. So, I’m taking this opportunity to thank you all fellow GLOMUS camp participants of giving me the possibility to enjoy to the full the music you will be making during the GLOMUS camp. I feel like I’m getting to attend a concert of eleven days, how lucky am I? 

I hope we will make an amazing GLOMUS camp together! See you soon in Malaysia!

Anna Stina
Project Coordinator of International Relations, Sibelius Academy, Finland

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